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How to adjust the working parameters of stone machine


This editor will give you a detailed introduction on how to adjust the working parameters of the stone machine. Everyone should also want to know. Let's look down together.

Projection angle: the angle between the vibration direction of the main body of the screen and the screen surface, the waveform of the screen of the stone removal machine is linearly reciprocating, and the vibration direction is inclined and perpendicular to the axis of the vibration motor. The vibration direction of the stone remover is different from that of the shaker, so it cannot be changed. This is the basic condition for stones adjacent to each other to move along the surface of the screen close to the surface of the screen. Therefore, choose the proper throwing angle to automatically sort the materials and move the stones next to each other and move upward. However, if the throwing angle is too large, the material tends to jump off the surface of the sieve, but it is not conducive to the gems moving side by side, and the throwing angle is usually 30-35.

Amplitude and vibration frequency: Amplitude refers to the vibration amplitude of the main body of the screen, and vibration frequency is an operating parameter indicating the vibration speed of the main body of the screen. When the amplitude is large and the frequency is high, the material moves faster on the screen surface, and the effect of automatic classification is also stronger. Help improve separation performance and equipment performance. However, the amplitude is too large, the frequency is too high, the working surface is violently vibrated, the material jumps and the automatic classification of the material is damaged. Therefore, the separation performance is reduced. On the contrary, the material moves slowly on the screen surface, and the material layer becomes thick, which is not conducive to the automatic classification of the material. Not only affect the cutting performance, but also affect the performance of stone removal machine. The amplitude of the stone remover is usually about 3.5-5 mm. The frequency of the stone remover driven by the vibration motor is usually not set, and the eccentric rotation frequency of the stone remover is proportional to its speed.

The above is the method of how to adjust the working parameters of the stone machine. I hope it can help everyone. Interested friends are welcome to follow the official website of Yongming Machinery.



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