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Bucket elevator return reason


       Xiaobian has come again. Recently, I have heard that there is always a phenomenon of returning materials using a bucket elevator. I am afraid that many outsiders still don't know what is the return. When the bucket elevator is in operation, if there is material falling down from the nose in the down barrel or the up barrel, this phenomenon is the return. I believe that anyone who encounters such a return situation is also very troublesome. What is the cause? The following small series gives some analysis suggestions for your reference.

      There are many factors that cause the return material, mainly from the unloading situation of the bucket elevator. In the process of centrifugal unloading, the tangential speed of the hopper running around the head wheel and the speed at which the material slides in the outer edge of the bucket determine the instantaneous speed and direction of movement of the material from the hopper. In addition, the degree of filling of the hopper determines the time at which the hopper starts to discharge, and the early and late end of the discharge depends on the geometry of the hopper. This shows that the flight path of the material after leaving the hopper at the machine head has the following factors: hopper line speed, hopper shape and material characteristics.

      Through the analysis of the reason for returning the material, we can make the head cover to envelop all the flight trajectory lines, then the material throwing away from the hopper can be blocked from the outer casing and smoothly fall into the discharge port. This is non-contact type. Unloading. Of course, in most cases, considering the manufacturing cost, the head is designed to be relatively small, and the thrown material is wiped over the inner wall of the head cover to the discharge port, which is the guide discharge.

      The above is the reason for the return of the analysis compiled by Xiaobian. If you have different suggestions or opinions, you can share it together!


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